Mr. P V S Suryakumar was formerly the Deputy Managing Director of NABARD. He has been a career officer of NABARD since 1986.
He has expansive experience of over 36 years, in agriculture & rural development sectors, from all the geographies of India.
He holds significant expertise in project appraisal, funding & monitoring of agriculture and rural infrastructure projects.
He has implemented and overseen natural resource management & rural livelihoods programmes. His expertise also includes, training & capacity building, policy advocacy and communications.
Suryakumar has obtained two Masters degrees. The first from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and the second from the Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, Great Britain.
He is a Commonwealth Scholar and an Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance.
He authored two books, Cases – How to Write & Use them and Sustainable Agriculture.
Suryakumar regularly contributes to the op-ed columns of business newspapers on policy issues.