Contact Info
Girija Srinivasan
Board Member

An MBA in professional education, she has three decades of experience in microfinance, rural finance including micro-enterprise finance, micro insurance, community based financial institution (SHGs and Federations), project design, monitoring and evaluation, institutional assessment and gender. She started her career with NABARD and gradually moved to freelancing in India, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. As a freelancer she has worked with agencies like IFAD, UNOPS, GTZ, KFW, NOVIB, ILO, DFID, SDC, SIDBI, NABARD and some leading NGOs in India. She was a member of the Task Force formed by the Government of Maharashtra on micro-finance. Besides, she has been contributing to the field of knowledge building in the sector by authoring several articles and books.

Girija Srinivasan is a development banker, who has been guiding rural development projects over the past 24 years with several different principals – IFAD, GIZ, SDC, NOVIB, GOI, etc.

She has authored books on microfinance and livelihoods. Her passion in development space has been community-based institutions of the poor, especially that of women.